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25Jan 2019

Persuation and achievement at it`s finest

Posted by : WisdomHighInternational School
Category : Wisdom High International School Nashik
Date :

Everyone's been holding on for dear life when the topic of dreams and vision come through your mind. Well, all of us want to achieve perfection. So do I, dream of success and every passionate person does as well.

Achieving it though, is on another level.

Having a clear mind - 

   A mind that is as clear  as the North American springs and streams has been proved to be the best in thinking. A way to target this point  would testify eating healkthy food, reducing intake of caffeine, getting a good old 8 hours of sleep and making sure you break a sweat everyday doing something useful.


Thinking caps actually do exist (in our brains)

     The most fruitfulness comes from original matters and one's own experiences. 'Life, they say, is an esctatic journey.' My opinion would be that starting a kingdom would always be better tyhan taking over another and altering  it according to your own ways . Always find creative tactics to be put into practice. Making your time consuming schedule , slightly short. Talking, interacting and pondering about useful things is always recommended. And books. Holy grail books such as The Alchemist, Rich Dad Poor Dad and the monk who sold his Ferrari, create stepping stones.


Passion and happiness 

        Following this, has brought laurels to my life. A few tips before leaving for a cup of coffee would be - do everything passionately, it is what you may count on to break all normal bounds, and always, always be happy with what you do. It's the key of a satisfied life.


comments, opinions and corrections are embraced



#success #following dreams #tips


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WisdomHighInternational School

Swamini Yeole of the 7th grade is a very outgoing and a very well read child.

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